Wednesday, July 14, 2010

First Post!

Since I have chosen to dedicate the majority of this blog to my love of film, that's what I'll make this very first post about! My favorite genre is horror and at this very moment I'm watching one of my favorites...JAWS. It's amazing what a small film that faces to many issues being made has accomplished in over 20 years. To this day it still gives me chills every time I watch it. Steven Spielberg is, and probably always will be my favorite director. With the exception of A.I., his films are fantastic and his work makes up a huge chunk of my top ten films of all time. Jurassic Park being one of the contenders for number one...although that spot changes ownership just about every day. It's far too difficult to choose between that, Gone With the Wind, and Interview with the Vampire. But anyways, back to Jaws...this movie is brilliant. The music sends a chill up your spine and genuinely makes you think twice every time you step foot in the ocean. I think a major part of what makes this movie so great as a horror film is that is plays with the whole fear of that which we can't really see. Let's face it, for the brief moment that we actually see the looks so fake that it's almost hard to take it seriously. But the site of that fin coming out from under the water and swimming rapidly toward a helpless child or a terrified fisherman...its a perfect combination of music and playing with point of never gets old! This movie essentially created the "summer blockbusters" which we have become so affectionate of today and look forward to every year. I love this movie! I think it would be extremely difficult to ever recreate the magic that a young Spielberg created here and if Hollywood ever decides this is one of the movies in need of a "remake", I'll boycott the studio that makes it. It's a classic gem that should be protected from any urge to ever try to recreate it-cause no matter what-it will never be as good as the original. <3

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